Mindfulness Techniques for Canadian Students to Reduce Exam Anxiety 

Exam stress and exam anxiety is a very serious issue. It can happen to anyone who is preparing for any kind of exam. It could be a school exam, a college exam, or even a competitive exam that you need to take in order to get a job. If you are a student, then you may also be facing anxiety while you are dealing with the huge pile of projects and assignments that you have to complete. 

You may feel that if you could get any kind of psychology assignment help or economics assignment help, then it would be easier for you to deal with your other projects. You may also have doubts regarding certain complex topics, or you may be unable to understand some technical jargon. All these may add to your anxiety. 

The best way out for you is to subscribe to assignment help services from educational consultants like MyAssignmentHelp.com. The experts who work with them can guide you with all your academic problems, thus helping you to reduce your anxiety levels. 

The best way you can try to reduce stress in your life and try to live in the moment is to try certain mindfulness exercises. Here are a few of them – 

  • Try to meditate
  • Practice open awareness
  • Practice body awareness
  • Do mindful breathing 

Now, how are you supposed to do these exercises? 

MediationSit cross-legged on the floor and focus on your breathing. 
Open AwarenessChoose any task, like eating or taking a walk, and just focus on what you are doing. 
Body AwarenessSit with your eyes closed and try to understand how your body works and how you are able to make any movement. 
Mindful BreathingTake deep breaths and slowly breathe out. Do this a couple of times until your breathing is normal. 

While performing all these exercises, you need to be very careful of what you are doing and try not to think about anything else. 

Here are a few tips on how you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily study routine


Every day, before you start your study session, sit for some time and try to meditate. If you feel that it will not be possible for you to spend a lot of time on meditation every day, then you can try to do a few minutes of mindful breathing. Try not to think about anything else while doing these exercises. You can increase or decrease the time limit spent on these depending on the amount of time that you have in hand. 

Find a Quiet Space

This is a very important factor. If you are very new to meditation, then you need to first try to find a space where you will not get distracted at all. Remove all gadgets from near you for the time being, and focus only on what you are doing. If your mind keeps on getting diverted and distracted while you are meditating or trying to do mindful breathing, then even if you keep doing them for a long time, you will not be able to feel calm and composed. 

Focus on the Present

Whenever we spend more time thinking about what has happened in the past or what will be happening in the future, we are bound to feel more stressed. Try to focus on the present and see what you can do about it. 

Taking Breaks

Whatever task you are doing, it is very important that you take breaks in between. Otherwise, you may get very bored after some time. If you continue to work without taking any breaks for a really long time, then you are bound to get fatigued. 

Being Patient

A lot of times, when you see a difficult question, a big chapter, or a subject that you do not prefer much, you are bound to get anxious. You may start wondering about how you will be able to manage this difficult task. Do not try to rush, or jump to any conclusions regarding any matter. If you are patient, then you will very easily be able to find solutions to your problems. 

To Wrap It Up, 

Exam anxiety is something that all of us have faced sometime in our lives. You need to ensure that it does not become so severe that you are not able to manage it by yourself and need help from medical professionals. In order to try to manage your anxiety on your ownself, you should try meditation or other mindfulness exercises. 

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